
I want to share stuff. Good stuff. Bad Stuff.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Auto-immune disease ramblings - and Vitamin D!

So right now i am reminded that yes I have an auto-immune disease called Ulcerative Colitis. And yes I sometimes have to slow down. Rest. Be kind. And yes its ok to feel sorry for myself. But just for a little while. So I have decided to be a bit cathartic - let it all out - so I can pick myself up and move on. Perhaps in some small way me writing about UC will help with some awareness. Thank you for indulging me.

As you know, if you have read my blog before, I have an auto-immune disease called Ulcerative Colitis. I was diagnosed in 2004 and am currently experiencing my third flare of the disease. Im lucky. Some people NEVER go into remission. People have to quit their jobs because of this disease and find a lifestyle that suits their disease (notice its all about the bloody disease). Some people have their large colons removed as a way of 'curing' this disease. Not this chick. No No No.

And ah yeah - the particulars of this disease arent pretty - we are talking about the bowel after all. Which is why many people dont know about it - its not really the most charming thing to talk about over coffee or in a quiet moment during a meeting at work. Did you know JFK had UC? Here are some others.

So with this flare I am back in the throes of specialists and drugs. Devil drugs. Im on high doses of Prednisone (steroids) and Salofalk (mesalasine) which are both anti-inflammatories (next stop the immunosuppressants...shudder). This medication fucks with you. My joints ache. Ive become jittery, anxious and depressed. My appetite fluctuates. I cant sleep much. And like today sometimes I just need a big old cry - or two. This is on top of what the flare itself is doing to me - spasms/cramping, bleeding, nausea, loss of energy, and diarrhea. (luckily none of this has impacted on work too much as yet) Problem is im not seeing any improvement yet which stresses me. And then the stress makes it worse. Vicious bloody cycle. Ideally I should be sitting in a meditation retreat somewhere sipping on fresh vegetable juices, having massages by someone called Sven and sucking back a cocktail of supplements such as VSL#3 probiotics and fish oil. Meh. If only.

However I have been doing a fair bit of research - always on the hunt for some miracle diet/lifestyle/ingredient that may bring me back into remission. And so that brings me to todays lucky winner bought to you by the letter D: VITAMIN D. Someone has described Vitamin D as the coconut oil of supplements. Its gooood shit apparently. (pun intended) Ive attached some links below for those that are interested - and its benefits are not for just those with UC. Check them out.

Well OK now. I feel better for writing that all down. Thanks for listening and fingers crossed my next post is about how well im feeling and remission is on its way! Feel free to send me any queries you may have or if you come across anything in travels about UC, Vitamin D etc. Keep smiling. I know I will. After all there are a lot of others out there with far worse than what I have.


Confused about Vitamin D and why you shouldnt be
The Dance between Vitamins D & K 
Vitamin D: how do you know if you are getting enough?
Vitamin D deficiency and UC
Vitamin D crucial to activating immune defences

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Reflections & Resolutions

So its the last day of 2012. At midnight people will be making those new years resolutions. Some of those resolutions may not last until morning. So do those resolutions really mean anything or are they just tokenistic?


How was 2012 for you? Can you list what you loved, liked, disliked, loathed? Some of you may even say 'who cares'!

Can you change things so 2013 will reduce the amount that appear in your dislike and loathe list? I have to say Im struggling a bit with this. I find it easier to list the bad stuff. The good stuff I have to dig for.

So here it goes, I could list more but will keep it to the key things:

2012 Good Stuff: Job promotion; being challenged at work to better myself; finding the sugar free life and the benefits of what goes with it (feeling good, losing weight etc); finally attending a photography course (beginners basic!)

2012 Bad Stuff: seeing friends lose loved ones; having my auto-immune disease flare up; NSW losing another State of Origin.

Does the good stuff align with the goals (resolutions) I set myself at the end of last year? Some what. But looking back i didnt really set specific goals. It was a pretty flippant list of: get healthy; learn photography and improve at work. Yep I set the world on fire there. Im gonna get a bit more specific for 2013.


So what are my goals for 2013.


  • by June declutter my house - simplify things - create space; 
  • by April fix the stumps on my house (god this has been on my list for ages); 
  • by December have started my kitchen/dining renovation


  • by June develop, implement and evaluate a process for my staff to engage with me in my 'Speed of Trust' learnings
  • by December have presented to a conference on the major policy changes I have been involved in.


  • first priority is to heal myself and get through the latest UC flare into remission . Heal so i dont need medication. Eat/drink foods that are healing, low fibre/residual which may mean sugar is on the ingredients list and clean eating out (lots of vegies and fruit during this time can be mighty painful....crazy) ....check out my post called "so whats the deal with quitting sugar" for more info on Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
  • post flare - which will hopefully be early January (im optimistic) get back on the no sugar (fructose), clean eating regime. Include probiotics and fish oil to help my UC.
  • by December be completely sugar free and eating clean - like its second nature - no thinking about it - using fructose free sugars to still have the 'sweet stuff' - removed artificial sweetners from my diet.  

Life & Love:

  • Everyday - Be kind to myself; put myself first; include some creative outlet every other day and meditate regularly
  • Once a month do a random act of kindness - maybe its buying a $50 woolies voucher and giving it to a pensioner; maybe its helping someone carry something to their car. who knows it will be random. But ill keep a list on my blog of what ive done. to keep me accountable.
  • Be open to be loved. Im working on this and Ill promise to try. ( i cringe as i write this - geez im really being open with you all!)
OK so thats it. I'll update regularly at milestones to let you know how im going. Feel free to share you goals for 2013 - you never know who you may inspire by doing so. Pay it forward friends. 


Monday, December 3, 2012

So whats the deal with quitting sugar?

So a few people have seen me on facebook talking about how i have quit sugar and have been sending me some questions. What are you eating? Whats a typical day? Why, for the love of god, have you quit sugar?

Ok so I'll try to explain as best I can. Remember Im no expert on this. Im only a week in to the this new fan-dangled thing called quitting sugar so Im still learning - be kind!

Side note: first week in i have lost 2kgs, had headaches the first few days which have now ceased, generally have a feeling of wellness and feeling clean - not that toxic "i have too much shit food in my body" feeling you can have. During the first week i have exercised three times at the gym. Exercise is something im hoping to increase - if i can get to the gym 4 times a week initially i will be happy. I can pretty much say the weight loss has occurred through diet - and yes, im sure most of it is fluid loss so far. 

So, Im not following any one theory in particular. Rather I am using a few. The main two are:

David Gillespie's Sweet Poison. Please check him out. I have read David's Sweet Poison and his Quit Plan books.
The other is the fabulous Sarah Wilson. Check out Sarah's blog where you can download her e-books.

Sarah suffers from an auto-immune disease like myself. For those of you who dont know - i have ulcerative colitis. (can i just say - surgery will never be an option for me!)

So like Sarah, my main enemies are inflammation and lethargy. Since Sarah started her IQuitSugar campaign she has seen marked improvement with her condition. So - why wouldnt I try this? (if anyone has ever had to have Prednisone as a treatment then you will know why quitting sugar might seem like an OK option compared to the wicked side effects of this drug! Touch wood (tap tap) i havent had to be on this drug for some time - ive been managing with another drug that has little to no side effects. But trust me - during a major flare - the drug would be prednisone or worse :( )

The other theory or principle im sticking to is eating clean. That is, i try not to have processed foods in my diet. Im trying to eat food the way mother nature intended it. In its purest form.

Ultimately though, "no sugar" trumps "clean eating". That is, if im in a social situation i'll make sure i choose something that doesnt have sugar even if it means it may be processed and dare i say it - not the healthiest choice. Hey, I cant be in control of my environment 100% of the time so when im not - something with 'no sugar' wins out.

So here are some of the foods ive been eating. Note: im not eating fruit. Im giving myself a couple of months off fruit and will introduce it back to 1-2 pieces a day. I want my system to be free of all sugars first ! (read David's books!) You will see i also dont typically eat rice, pasta or breads. My choice. If sugar is your main concern then these things are fine. Some 'experts' out there say if you do have them - eat them earlier in the day as opposed to dinner. What you decide is your choice. I just know im feeling better without them all. I may look to have them , some times , once i have done this a while.


  • Home made muesli (oats, coconut, nuts and seeds) - make your own. Check out David Gillespies book for ideas. I usually have this with Zymill (lactose free milk - just find i digest it better) or Jalna Greek Yoghurt (full fat!)
  • Omlette's/ poached or boiled eggs - for omlettes I usually use one full egg then use egg whites to bulk it up. Yes yolks are wasted but id rather it down the sink than in my mouth. (A whole egg is about 70 calories - An egg white is 8 calories). You can add weight watchers cottage cheese, tasty cheese, tomato, bacon/ham, baby spinach, asparagus, any other green or red/orange vege.

I find I usually alternate between the two. Im sure i will get sick of this so any suggestions are welcome - need stuff i can make/prepare and take to work with me as i dont usually eat breakfast till im at my desk.
If the thought of no bread scares you then check bread labels and go for one that is as low as possible in sugar - most dont have much to any - its just a choice im making to stay away for now. However the Mountain Bread range is a good option if you dont like that bloated feeling bread can give you.


  • Lunch i take leftovers from dinner ; or
  • tuna, salmon, chicken,cheese  etc with a salad of your choice - just make sure any dressing doesnt have sugar (most do unfortunately). Try lime or lemon juice, olive oil and mustard as a quick option for a dressing. 
  • shaved turkey, cheese and tomato with dijon mustard in a wrap (mountain bread rye - 69 calories and no sugar) - lots of other options with a wrap 
  • I went out for lunch the other day and had haloumi with a salad of leaves roast potato, sweet potato and onion. YUM!
  • Im also looking at poaching some chicken in coconut cream and coriander. Im gonna shred this to add to a salad (lots of grated vegies, a bit of chilli, coriander and mint). Maybe a couple of nuts on top. Could be dinner also. will let you know how i go!
  • Stir Fry - pick your meat, lots of green veges, ginger, garlic and some Tamari Sauce (its a wheat free soy sauce - you could just use soy though - i choose to the Tamari)
  • Jamie Olivers Tuna Pasta Sauce - i learnt this recipe at the Ministry of Food school. I just dont eat pasta with it. Also instead of canned tomatoes (loads of sugar in them) i just cut up my own tomatoes. I just steam some green vegies to go with it. I have taken a picture of my well used recipe (that Jamie signed himself!) Cracker recipe this - it could be adopted for other fish types and even chicken. 
  • Steak, lamp chops, chicken - served with vegies or salad. I try not to eat potatoes at night.
  • homemade rissoles made with lean beef mince, chopped rosemary, one onion and one egg. I used plain flour to coat them. Served with green vegies. (great leftover for lunch!!)

  • Cut up celery and carrot - dipped in cottage cheese or Macro Organic Peanut Butter (health food aisle of Woolworths)
  • A tin of tuna
  • cubed cheese
  • Green tea
  • Coke Zero and Pepsi Max ( a life saver when you want something sweet. I know the chemicals are bad but i figure 2-3 months of them till i get through the sugar barrier and i may not want them any more! fingers crossed x)
Ok thats it Phewwwwww. Happy to answer any more queries plus i will try to blog more to share the journey with you all. Also if you have suggestions or want to share your tips, recipes etc then let me know. Leave everything on my facebook page and then i can add it to posts here on the blog. 


Monday, April 18, 2011

Will you crack and smell?

So I was talking to friends today about easter and the subject of chocolate eggs/bunnies came up. I said that I love a good chocolate bunny as you can crack the chocolate ears and the smell inside (or as I like to call it 'easter egg air') is the most sweetest thing you will ever smell. My friends didn't know what I was talking about. Am I the only one that does this? Has anyone ever cracked their easter eggs and let the chocolate take over their senses?

I ask you: if you have never ever done this are you a little curious - will you be cracking your egg and smelling it this easter?

(disclaimer: in the interests of good health I wont be over indulging in this behaviour this easter)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ipswich Businesses: The Movement

So if you stop for just a can probably hear Ipswich growing. Even though the city has come through a major natural disaster is recent months, the city feels a buzz with new opportunities. Im amazed by the amount of businesses that are starting in the area, and they seem to be run primarily by women. Amazing women. Amazing women that are creative and doing what they want.  Check out the links below to their websites/facebook pages.

Question: Are you doing what yo want to do? Does your 'work' excite you - is it your passion?

fourth child
little bird
precious packages
lavender leadlights
Ipswich Womens Development Network 
Obsession Shoes
Boutique Tres-Chic
Little Brown Dog
Ipswich Women In Business